


Alkaline Food Chart – The Important Alkaline Diet Guide

Discover the 6 Foods to Never Eat – http://alkalinefoods.net/trackz/go.php?c=youtubespecial – Get the Alkaline Food Chart too! Hi, I assume you already had t…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Acid – Alkaline balance (pH balance) begins with diet – an alkaline diet. http://www.phionbalance.com Learn which foods are acidic and which ones are alkaliz…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. clinton crowther says:


  2. thriveni saidam says:

    Great Video, Thank you! I was a peptic ulcer patient and my family got full
    worried about it! I could cure the ulce without medications with the help
    of 1) god’s grace 2) videos like yours 3) “body ph meter” mobile app by
    lokesh 4) diet , meditation and exercises Now, I know that medications are
    not required

  3. NaturallyNOLABeauty says:

    Thank you for this.

  4. clinton crowther says:


  5. thriveni saidam says:

    Great Video, Thank you! I was a peptic ulcer patient and my family got full
    worried about it! I could cure the ulce without medications with the help
    of 1) god’s grace 2) videos like yours 3) “body ph meter” mobile app by
    lokesh 4) diet , meditation and exercises Now, I know that medications are
    not required

  6. NaturallyNOLABeauty says:

    Thank you for this.

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