


6 Healthy & Delicious Ways To Eat Kale

http://TheSundancefamily.com I love green leafy veggies. They are essential part of our diet. Especially kale is such a great conventional vegetable to eat. …
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  1. Ka Sundance says:

    What is your most favorite way to eat kale??

  2. Rohe Energie - Vegane Ernährung & Mehr says:

    Had a Kale-Banana-Apple-Water-Smoothies this morning. It was great!

  3. Elena Starta says:

    Ka, where do you buy Himalayan salt from pls? There are many websites out
    there. I’d appreciate your suggestion. Tx! Great vid on kale use. I just
    had a carrot+kale juice this morning :)

  4. Luisa Green says:

    Love the chips and juicing.

  5. Lala Sundance says:

    ya still in the usa……or….???

  6. Tallie Allen says:

    Thank you!
    Sounds so yummy. I’ll have to try the dip with Kale chips. I already enjoy
    the green kale smoothies pretty often.

    I keep hearing about a concern people have with Oxylates from dark greens.
    I’m sure you know what that is. Can you tell me/us about whether that
    should ever be a concern?

    Thank you!

  7. Casani Add says:

    Wow I just discovered your channel. Your family is so awesome! I have
    been trying to go raw for a very long time. You have great ideas and
    recipes. I am so encouraged. Thank you. I am very small though so tend
    to loose weight fast. I am 5’2″ and only
    98 lbs. Any idea for weight GAIN??

  8. Turquoise Sunsets says:

    We love to make kale soup with lots of vegetables. We begin by sauteing
    onions, garlic and jaleoenos, and then we build on from there. We top it
    with a little parmesian cheese. We have been very inspired by your juicing
    videos over the past several months. Also, I have lost 35 lbs thanks to
    your inspirtaions, and feel great. Today we juiced our first beets and bok-
    chow, along with our usual kale, spinach, ginger, cellery, carrots, apple
    orange. We also have a 19 month old daughter who really enjoys drinking it
    as well. This will be a life time benefits to her and the rest of us.
    Thanks for all you do and sacrifice in making these videos. 

  9. Stephy801010 says:

    i dont consume goitrogenic food anymore coz i believe it also cintributed
    to my hypothyroidism which i got on hc vegan lifestyle. arent u worried
    about the oxalates and the goitrigenic effect of kale?

  10. Discover Share Inspire (Worldschool Family) says:

    We eat kale salads and smoothies everyday… all-you-can-eat kale here at
    Finca Ipe where we’re living 🙂 Yum!

  11. peacelovelight says:

    Love kale!!! Thought of naming our first son kale we love it so much. Lol
    Kale juice, smoothies and salad alllll the way. Kale yeah :)

  12. Han Vu says:

    seriously love your passion in every single one of your videos! xox

  13. MsBrutus64 says:

    Thank you Ka, the recipes sound yummy delicious!

  14. 01Bonnie03 says:

    Ganz simpel, ich esse ihn am liebsten einfach so…..

  15. Turquoise Sunsets says:

    We have been buying the pink Himalayan salt crystals in the grinder from
    Costco. For sure Whole Foods and Trader Joes sells it as well, here in the
    States. Hope that helps Helena. 

  16. Ka Sundance says:

    I love green leafy veggies. They are essential part of our diet.
    Especially kale is such a great conventional vegetable to eat.
    So in order to help you eat more kale, this video was made by me for to

  17. mario gerardo cortes guido says:


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