


20 Minute Weight Loss & Fatburning Yoga Workout!

http://www.powhow.com/classes/sadie-nardinis-rockin-online-yoga-studio Join Sadie’s Online Community and get Unlimited Yoga with Sadie every month! Sadie cre…

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  1. Драган Крстић says:

    Hello people, can anybody of you suggest me good weight loss program for
    woman? My wife has big problems with obesity… she tired a lot of programs
    and diets but nothing really worked for her (because of “yo-yo” effect when
    she stopped using them). If any women knows proven, good wieght loss
    program, please suggest! Thanks in advance 

  2. Tina L. says:
  3. eFit30 says:

    I enjoyed your video.

  4. Laura Johnson says:

    I’ve been doing this on and off for the past year or so and today I did it
    after some time off. Amazing how much stronger I’ve become and how much
    easier the routine. It feels like a warming gentle stretch now.

  5. Hidden Shadow says:

    I was dying through the video, I’m surprised I didn’t give up half way XD
    I always thought yoga was easy, but after this video, I have such high
    respect for everyone who does yoga now

  6. Kelly Bonanno says:

    Nice yoga routine & you explain the poses well. I like your style!

  7. Елена Паламарчук says:

    У этой женщины красивые эффектные движения. Подозреваю, что она занималась
    также и танцами.

  8. erin onofrio says:

    Amazing video with great instruction to really get a yoga workout! 

  9. Andrew Rush says:

    Hey there! Have you considered – Bizmillar Weight Loss (Have a quick look
    on google)? Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my co-worker
    got excellent weight loss results with it. 

  10. 46scottyD says:

    How often do you recommend doing this workout per week? Is performing it
    daily too strenuous on the body without a break?

  11. Mariana Hernandez says:

    This is a great yoga routine! I feel so amazing during and after. 

  12. Kim Gantz says:

    Hi Sadie,
    I’ve done many of your videos and enjoyed a workshop with you in Austin
    last year, but this video is still one of my favorites. I love the core
    work and it gives me a great mix of tired, strong and wonderful after the
    practice. It’s also a great length when I don’t want a long practice.
    Thanks so much!

  13. MiaMadduxTV says:

    This has become my favorite routine. Do it every morning to wake up, then
    do it during the night to cool down, absolutely love it!!!

  14. Colee7 says:

    Loving it. 

  15. Juliana Sebben says:

    that was so awesome, thank you so much! 

  16. Bec Futter says:

    Loved and energised and daily routine, thank you 

  17. Amber Rodriguez says:

    *~* Amazing science!
    Yoga is not a religion. It is a science, science of well-being, science of
    youthfulness, science of integrating body, mind and soul.

  18. grandmama536 says:

    Thank you!

  19. Marla Singer says:

    whew! it’s tough..but it’s working 

  20. Eliza Mary Lee says:

    May I ask, what underwear are you wearing? I mean under your tops and your
    leggings? Is my question weird? I hope not to you. I’ve read that when I
    workout I should have the right outfit too..Thanks

  21. Brad Smith says:

    hello yoga!

  22. kassidy gray says:

    Gave up at 10, but I’m going to try this again

  23. Diamond In The Rough says:

    Gee! That was one hell of a workout! Although I didn’t complete the whole
    video, but I can’t wait to master this workout. (:

  24. Yosan Alemu says:


  25. Marie Sudarshini says:

    Yoga is really beneficial for overall well-being. I discovered this amazing
    product by Rush Nutrition that not only enhances mood but also controls
    appetite for effective weight loss. In fact, I lost 12 lbs. after taking it
    for two weeks.

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